Description: H10-H13 Disorders of conjunctiva
UK Biobank fields: 41202, 41204
nCases: 1102
nControls: 451162
Field Codes: H10, H100, H101, H102, H103, H104, H105, H108, H109, H11, H110, H111, H112, H113, H114, H118, H119, H13, H130, H131, H132, H133, H138
Gender used for the analysis: Males and Females
UK Biobank fields: 41202, 41204
nCases: 1102
nControls: 451162
Field Codes: H10, H100, H101, H102, H103, H104, H105, H108, H109, H11, H110, H111, H112, H113, H114, H118, H119, H13, H130, H131, H132, H133, H138
Gender used for the analysis: Males and Females